
About Materamet

Who we are

About Materamet


We provide future of energy

We started our journey in 2020 during the COVID storm which affected the business as well as private lives. Difficult times which, however, did not discourage us, on the contrary we looked at it as one more challenge to be won.

With a strong Chemical background and international experience, we were and still are fully confident to be able to sail through trouble waters maintaining the set course.

Our motto

Come to the edge

Our motto: «come to the edge» comes from the Sergio Marchionne one, the boss of some of us in the late nineties, to engage people on challenging projects with a not negotiable value chart:

“Come to the edge he said
come to the edge
they came and were afraid
come to the edge he said
he pushed
and they flew”

(by Christopher Logue in 50° anniversary of Guillaume Apollinaire 1968)

Also the Italian flag is there to keep in mind to be always proud of our great Country reminding all: Italians do it better!

Vision & Mission

VISION: sustainability is no more negotiable, but it is nothing without economic balance. Circular economy is the tool for the new way of manufacturing

MISSION: know how supplier to overcome the daily sustainability challenges within circular economy bridging worldwide companies

About the company

Materamet at a glance

Long standing relation

Materamet has the long-standing relation and understanding of the mechanisms to penetrate the difficult market of Brand owners & top-rated converters.


Operating in

Chemical engineering business, polymers, their raw materials and recycled plastics - brokerage and consultancy on circular economy and sustainability;


Joint venture partners for

Finance, REACH certification, legal, engineering, R&D, training, assessments.


On call professionals ready for

Accountability, public financing, analysis, patents, certification.

Our crew

Meet the Team

We have deep technical and commercial knowledge, wide experience and plenty of relationships: why do not get it?


Paola Arlotti

Chemical engineer from Politecnico di Milano, left Equipolymers December 2019.
She started in an engineering company and after 1 year joined for 7 years Lonza (al group). Since 2002 she was in the PET business from technology to commercial dept., starting from DOW Chemical ending as Equipolymers Global Sales Director, based in Milan and Zurich headquarters. Former Chairman of PET core Europe (PET container recycling Europe) and represented Equipolymers in CPME (Committee of PET manifacturers Europe).

Board member

Roberto Bertaggia

Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry at University of Genoa, head of Polyolefin Division in GSI 2018-2021. For 18 years sales director PET commodity EMEA and Global sales director PET specialties in M&G group. From 1985 up to year 2000 Chemicals sales and technical manager in Shell based in Amsterdam for a portion. Former Chairman of PET core Europe (PET container recycling Europe) and represented M&G in CPME (Committee of PET manifacturers Europe).

Currently he is in charge as the executive director at PETCORE Europe.